The other night, as I was making taco seasoning from scratch and posting it all over Instagram like it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread, I realized I owe you an apology.
About the taco seasoning post I did awhile back, and the fact that I left you in the lurch, asking you to click through to the blog Use Real Butter which features the recipe for homemade taco seasoning mix instead of just teaching you how to do it all by your little ole self. Sorry ’bout that.
I also realized, as I was again converting teaspoons into tablespoons into quarter cups that not everyone likes doing math. Or fractions. I do, but just because I like math doesn’t oblige you to like it as well. So I updated the recipe to include easy-to-follow measurements and while I added a pinch here and took away a dash there, it’s just as good as the original.
Maybe better, because now you don’t have to do the math. So toss away those store-bought packets of taco seasoning mix, get out your spice jars, and get to it.
Oh, and if you’re gluten free? You’ll notice this has zero gluten. None. So if you’re missing the taste of your favorite Lawry’s or McCormick’s taco seasoning packets, give this gluten free taco seasoning mix a go and embrace the taco once again.
- ¼ cup chili powder
- ¼ cup paprika
- 2 tablespoons cumin
- 1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon onion powder
- 1 teaspoon garlic powder
- ½ teaspoon cayenne
- Combine all spices in a small air-tight container.
- When it's taco time, brown two pounds ground turkey or beef.
- Add 2-3 tablespoons taco seasoning and one cup water to the meat; simmer for 10 minutes.
- Serve!
Lisa- Thanks for the recipe. I’d much rather make my own, then use a packet. 🙂
You’ll love it! I just ran out the other night, time to make more.
Thanks for the recipe. I still prefer the packet but this works well in a pinch.