I have a garlic press and I’m not afraid to use it. I’ve heard all manner of chefs pooh-pooh them in favor of simply using a knife. But I’d rather spend time with little gg than chop garlic. What’s your favorite tool that might be classified as unnecessary?
I hate using my garlic press only because I feel like I get less garlic from it than if I chop it … and I also have a hard time cleaning it. Sometimes I get the hubby to use it and crush a bunch of cloves for me, because I don’t wanna 🙂
I like it too but don’t like to clean it. Another favorite tool of mine is the lemon zester.
I use a microwave egg poacher. it had two cups and you add water to one side, a bit of water and the egg on the other and it steams/”poaches” the egg in a minute. Its perfect in the morning because by the time the toast has popped the egg is ready. My boyfriend thinks it’s weird and gross though