One of my dreams is to own a lemon tree. I’ve tried to make that dream a reality. Honestly. Last summer I trolled the aisles at Home Depot on a semi-regular basis, pushing aside all manner of citrus tree – from orange to grapefruit to lime – with nary a lemon tree to be had.
This year, it’s going to be different. This year, instead of pining away for my own lemon tree, I’m going to do the next best (and most lazy) thing. Beg lemons from friends and family! My friend Jessica’s gorgeous new home boasts a beautiful garden, with one of the largest lemon trees I’ve ever seen; hopefully she can spare a few. And my dad, who gave me the beauties in the picture above, doesn’t cook much; those lemons are as good as mine.
But I still wouldn’t mind a real tree to call my own (hint, hint).
Love that title 🙂
How ironic–I had every intention of offering you some lemons from our lemon tree, which has about 20 more than we can use right now. Why don’t we meet for lunch soon so I can pass some to you? It’s our first lemon tree, and I am a big fan. They are beautiful and smell heavenly.
Paige let’s definitely get together soon – Nordstrom Cafe!