Sometimes I can’t sleep. You, too? On those nights when I wake up at 2:00am and just can’t get back to sleep, I sneak into the guest room and pop open my Kindle to “When Parents Text.” If my calculations are correct, I’ve read “When Parents Text” at least 3,085 times. More or less. Sometimes I worry that the gales of laughter spouting from the guest room will wake my family, and if you’ve read the book, you’re most likely nodding your head in agreement.
This post is an ode to the one of the funniest texts of all: Tacos for Dinner. I can’t get enough of, “Mom, chill with the tacos.” And on nights when I don’t want to cook but I still want to eat, there are tacos for dinner at my house, too.
Right now we’re in the full embrace of South Beach Phase 1, gluten-free and, to some degree, Paleo. I know, I’m exhausted just thinking about it. Naturally my husband has already lost, like, I don’t know, twice the weight I wanted to lose just to gain entrance into South Beach Phase 2 (and he didn’t even want, nor need, to lose an ounce!).
But back to the tacos. This taco seasoning mix from Use Real Butter is sassy delicious and tastes just like those packets you buy at the grocery store for a buck or two. High tail it over to Trader Joe’s if you’re starting from scratch: their spicy prices beat chain sales every day of the week. Since I didn’t deviate a smidge from the original recipe, I’m merely providing a link here.
Easy, breezy tacos: simply brown a few pounds of ground beef or turkey in a large non-stick skillet over medium heat, add 2 tablespoons of taco seasoning and a cup of water to the skillet, simmer for 10 minutes and there you have it: South Beach Phase 1, gluten-free, paleo tacos.
Or just call it Taco Tuesday and be done with it. Olé!
Love this post, Lisa. Even though I haven’t read When Parents Text. Will have to try this taco seasoning on my tofu next time. 🙂
I love tacos for dinner! We have a similar method and sometimes swap out the beer for chicken.
I have never read “When Parents Text” but it looks hilarious.
My husband likes to tell me, “Don’t put me on your diet!” And I’m like, “I gave birth to your 3 kids so you need to suffer with me!” Haven’t read the book, but sounds hilarious!